News & Events

Yet another milestone marked for Daikin Malaysia for the financial year ending 2016; we’ve closed the year well, which of course, calls for a more ambitious goal for the next financial year and what better way to kick-start one but with a feast!

The Kenduri was thrown with our Daikin Malaysia employees in mind, hence all present within the Daikin Malaysia and Daikin Research and Development compound on that day were invited. Held on 27th April 2017, the atmosphere was abuzz with excitement and anticipation as one wondered what delicacies would be served this time around.
As the clock struck twelve, lines were formed towards the buffet tables set up at the open area between Factory 1 and Factory 2. The Top Management and Human Resources personnel clad in floral aprons and warm smiles greeted the employees and served them the mouth-watering dishes of the day. The extra stomach room for desserts were also duly satisfied with ice creams and fruits.

May all this merry-making call for an even better financial year ahead!